Monday, October 19, 2015

Duolugue Task

During our Sunday's Drama lesson our task was to create a duologue about a scenario that we were all given. The scenario was that there was a boy named Carlos who lives with his uncle in Brazil, Where he is supposed to work on the streets to get money. Our scene had to be based on one night when he returns home very late without any money (because he spent it all trying to help an injured opposed train). then i was put into a random group with Laith,Aline, and I.

As for our scene, we began by building up tension for the first 45 seconds by showing carol's uncle being angry. We began with Laith and i watching tv then we walk around the house by throwing stuff around and getting angry and shouting about the class. then after a while carlos walks in the house and everyone gets angry at carlos(aline). She with fear sneeks into the house very creepily.

In order to keep the tension going we decided to show the uncle acting sarcastically with Carlos. He then only yelled a while later Making Carlos cry and shiver, frightening the audience (by breaking the tension suddenly). WE even showed that how carlos was against his uncle and how he wanted to be nice to other people when even though he worked for another group. the picture below shows how we combined all our skills to show the freeze frame that we created of our task.


  1. Great response; you have explained the context of your scene, the characters and also told me ways in which you were able to build the tension. Your explanation is clear and concise and your group's response to this task was very creative. 7/8 Criterion C

  2. Just see if you can re-post the photos as we cannot see them for some reason!!
