Sunday, November 1, 2015

Final Piece and Unit 1 Reflection

In Drama for Unit 1, We supposed to look deep into the sights of Rio De Janeiro in many different types of aspects including the segregation of the rich and poor, train surfers, all the crime in brazil, about the kids/individuals choices that affect the society.During this unit we developed some very important skills includng marking the moment, hot seating, freeze framing, slow motion and cross cutting. For my groups final performance we developed a story about bus 174, a real life story that happened in rio de janeirio. So in this final play I had to work with a group of 5 includng me. The group consisted of Laith, Shawn, Tommy, Federico and me.

Some background information on our play:
On June 12, 2000, Nascimento boarded a  bus (174) . He wanted to rob the passengers on the bus. Shortly after Nascimento revealed what he was going to do , a passenger screamed to a police vehicle outside the bus, prompting the police to intercept the bus. Nascimento took the passengers of the bus hostage. Just as he got of the bus the police shot him from point blank range but it missed him and it hit the hostage as this happened Nascimento in the shock pulled the trigger by mistake killing the hostage(the teacher).
In this play our roles were as follows:
Federico as Nascimento
Sai as bus driver
Laith as police officer
Shawn as the first victim(the one who is threatened)
Tommy as the second victim(who dies)
   In this performance my role was was being the bus driver. It was my job to drive the bus around the area everything was happening and also I had to call the police in between our play to inform the police to come and get the shooter from the bus. I staged my character on the bus from the start of the play this where Federico come on to the bus to create a scene, I had to call out bus stations to give a cue to Federico on when to get on to the the bus and when to start thought tracking.I had to create my own sound effects as we could not find another way to make sounds of opening doors. I had to raise my voice in the starting as in a bus u need to be loud so that u can be heard by the people in the back.After nascimento got onto the bus I had to show a little bit irritation because he throws the money down.then after a while I had to scream out “BUS STOP 256” This announcement put our play into a freeze frame, this started the thought tracking where the passengers on the bus start to talk about what is going on their minds. Right after the freeze frame was over a small incident(Nascimento shows his gun) the passenger in the back shouts to stop the bus but that’s when Federico points the gun at the people in the bus and screaming not to stop the bus. I had to act all scared as the act was going on the back of me, then I had to call the police where I was being all scared where the shooter might see me this was when I had to show all my skills on how I can be silent and careful without being seen by the shooter. I had to then jump out of the bus just after stopping the bus as the police had to come into the the bus and that my character did not want to die in the bus. That was all my part for the play.

In our groups performance to create tension we had to start the play out with a freeze frame of the bus and the play going on in the background.the group had to show all their skills to make a good presentation as we had to set up the props are selves which was not easy as the props were not there most of the time as other groups used it for their plays.

One very successful scene in our play where nascimento had to get all physical against everyone on the bus has he had to take contro at that moment.What he did was that he took his gun and pinted it at everyone on the bus as that was the only option he had. This situation he usd different types of tones and the passengeras all frightened were screaming and doing things unexpected. This was a very effective scene as we used a drama technique by using our voices at different tones and volumes to project emotions and ideas.
Overall, I believe my group did very well in our final performance, and I generally enjoyed this unit of work very much. I am pleased with my mark, and to improve next time, I would give myself more lines and possibly more actions in the performance.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Duolugue Task

During our Sunday's Drama lesson our task was to create a duologue about a scenario that we were all given. The scenario was that there was a boy named Carlos who lives with his uncle in Brazil, Where he is supposed to work on the streets to get money. Our scene had to be based on one night when he returns home very late without any money (because he spent it all trying to help an injured opposed train). then i was put into a random group with Laith,Aline, and I.

As for our scene, we began by building up tension for the first 45 seconds by showing carol's uncle being angry. We began with Laith and i watching tv then we walk around the house by throwing stuff around and getting angry and shouting about the class. then after a while carlos walks in the house and everyone gets angry at carlos(aline). She with fear sneeks into the house very creepily.

In order to keep the tension going we decided to show the uncle acting sarcastically with Carlos. He then only yelled a while later Making Carlos cry and shiver, frightening the audience (by breaking the tension suddenly). WE even showed that how carlos was against his uncle and how he wanted to be nice to other people when even though he worked for another group. the picture below shows how we combined all our skills to show the freeze frame that we created of our task.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Marking the moment

Train surfing is basically a wild ride on the outside of a moving train.Travelling like this can be dangerous and even life-threatening, because people could fall off or even die from electrocution due to the power supply, making collision with a railway infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, platforms, traffic lights or other trains) on the roof of a train, or unsuccessful attempts to jump on a moving train or off it. In this term 1 unit we are focusing on Brazil and how the poor people do train surfing as a hobby as they have nothing else to do in their lives.

For our task we were put into groups to create a scene of a group of train surfers who get a new kid who joins their group, the main part of this drama play was that all the old members of the group would jump of the train and the new member has no idea what to do, so he stays back on the train and thats when the police turn up and the new member blackmails the police that they he/she will hold the wire(electrical power line) and will die because he knows that if he gets caught it won't be good. 

For our scene we had Shawn and Sai as the two surfers, Oggy/Aline as the new member, Laith was the Bus driver and Anushka and Sai as the policemen/woman. The scene started off when Sai, Shawn and Oggy/Aline talk about trip and whether the new member should do it as he/she have no idea how to train surf. Then after the train arrives the group jumps onto the train and they have fun doing it as they are skipping and dodging the electric wires. then when they arrive at the station the Sai and Shawn jump off the train as they are trained by doing it everyday, somehow Oggy gets distracted and he doesn't jump as he was not sure how to jump of the train and by the time he realises the police are already waiting to catch train surfers. Oggy is extremely scared on what to do and then he realises he can blackmail the police but by then the police already offered him a deal- if he gives her his watch she won't arrest him, however he refuses the offer as the watch is very special to him-its his mothers. So Oggy threatens the police "If you don't let me go I'll touch this wire" and then we have a freeze frame to make that very last moment of the scene.

In order to mark the moment for our short play we had to do some little adjustments to make it look nicer. So at first we had build the tension with a stated picture. To mark the the moment we all had to stare at Oggy/Aline to emphasise his dialogue that he will say at the end of the story, this will basically put the pressure and also give the focus onto Oggy/Aline. Anushka screams "Noooooooo" while being a statue with a figure of a person who is very scared. She will have to promise Oggy that she will throw the gun down f he doesn't touch the wire. And everyone else in the play will stare at Oggy to show the viewers that Oggy is the most important focus at the moment. After this we took a still picture to capture are marking the moment picture to show how we did it. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Drama term-1

Sandro Rosa- BUS 174

On June 12, 2000, Nascimento boarded a  bus (174) . He wanted to rob the passengers on the bus. Shortly after Nascimento revealed what he was going to do , a passenger screamed to a police vehicle outside the bus, prompting the police to intercept the bus. Nascimento took the passengers of the bus hostage. Just as he got of the bus the police shot him from point blank range but it missed him and it hit the hostage as this happened Nascimento in the shock pulled the trigger by mistake killing the hostage(the teacher).

Sandro Rosa got on to the bus with an intention to rob the passengers with his gun, this robbery would have given him money for necessities like drugs and luxury. (he was a drug addict). Even though Sandro wasn’t always a bad person, many incidents that occurred in his life molded him into the person he became. 
Sandro Rosa had a very brutal past. When he was only six he witnessed his mother get stabbed brutally in front of him and also when he lived in the church there was another murder of his friends(8 people in total).All of this events had made him have a bad influence on people about how they are. 

All these events together may have spoilt Nascimento's mind and built up hatred in his heart the people of Brazil especially the policemen and the richer people who have created the inequality between the people in brazil. which then prompted him to take such fierce actions,  Despite all this, I think that Nascimento is not to balme as all he wanted was to get attention and he had no intentions of killing anyone on that bus,it was the policeman who shot the lady first(the teacher)
I am very sure that if the incidents above had not taken place in his life he would not have taken such a dramatic decision to rob people on the bus and also school teacher would not have been killed. Also if his mom and friends were alive he would be more organised and also more mature.